hello every one ...

Here i will put my favorites sites and other software,games,music,video.........
it's my first site i do so you will not find it very cool like other sites.
W!th time it's will be bigger and bigger
How to search in google for full & free music movie software.......you would find in the file blow a video clip to show you how to search on google & you will find two TEXT file i write this two file to make it easy just copy and paste
click here to Download
The update of this site will be slow because the school begin ..... so wait and send to me at "mmaxmtbc@gmail.com" for any thing u want.


eMule 0.48a

As of today, eMule is one of the biggest and most reliable peer-to-peer file sharing clients around the world. Thanks to it's open source policy many developers are able to contribute to the project, making the network more efficient with each release.

main Features:
- Clients use several networks to create one reliable network. (ED2K, Source Exchange, Kad)
- eMule v0.42 can be enabled to use Kad
- eMule's Queue and Credit system helps to ensure that everyone will get the file he wants by promoting those that upload back to the network.
- Each file checked for corruptions while downloading to ensure an error free file.
- eMule is completely free. eMule is also completely free of any Adware, Spyware, and ect.
Download: link1

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